All Things are Possible With God
One of the lines I say most frequently is “All things are possible with God,” but do I really believe that in all areas of my life? I thought I did, until this past Friday. I received an important reminder that not only are “all things possible,” but also that I should never underestimate, or set time limits on, what the Power of God can do through someone else.
My 3-year-old son brings me my greatest spiritual lessons these days. He and I have gone through some difficult times, but I am grateful for them. He has an incredibly strong will and, at times, is determined to do the opposite of what I say. He is also incredibly high energy (more than the average 3-year-old). So, on Friday morning, I was about to go to my meditation spot when who pops up and is determined to join me? None other than my spunky 3-year-old K.
“Mommy, where you going?”
“I’m about to do my meditation. Why don’t you go back and lay down, and mommy will come get you when I’m finished.”
“But, I want to do the meditation with you, Mommy! Pleeeeeeaaaaaaase, can I come?”
“Oh, alright. But you have to be quiet. No talking at all. Just focus on your breathing and be still. Okay?”
“YES!! I will be quiet, Mommy. I promise!”
I have to say, I had incredibly low expectations for this meditation sitting. In the past, I had tried some guided meditations, breathing exercises and visualizations from the book Meditation for Children with him and he couldn’t last three minutes without bursting into laughter. I also frequently told him to “calm his body down” by using deep breathing when he was out of control, which only sometimes worked. I had high aspirations for teaching meditation to my children, but assumed I would need to wait until they were a bit older to begin. I had low (or no) expectations for what was possible now, so I had stopped trying.
He was used to seeing me meditate, and had been intrigued by it for a while. He frequently walked in toward the end of my meditation sittings in the morning, and just stared at me. I had grown used to it, but couldn’t wait for the day when he could sit with me. The night before he asked to join me, he was in my office and was looking at the book on my desk entitled The Sermon on the Mount.
“Who is that on the cover of the book, Mommy.”
“Who do you think it is?”
“Good try. No, that’s Jesus.”
“Oh. What is he doing?”
“He’s meditating.”
“Oh, just like you, Mommy!”
I smiled as I reminisced about his comments as we headed downstairs. As we were getting seated on the floor, he was uncharacteristically calm. I set my timer for 10 minutes, put on some calm meditation music, and reminded him again that this was “quiet time.” I assumed I would need to do another sitting by myself later because I just knew he was not going to be quiet and sit still for 10 whole minutes. As they used to say in the church, “But, God had a different plan!”
He sat there quietly the entire time, and really enjoyed it. He proved me wrong. I’m so grateful for this gentle reminder of Who is in control of timing. When we put our own expectations on others, we stifle their growth. God’s timing is always perfect, and way better than we could imagine. Thankfully, God is not limited by what’s humanly possible!
After meditation, I read the following in A Course in Miracles which really brought it all home:
God’s promises make no exceptions. And He guarantees that only joy can be the final outcome found for everything. Yet it is up to us when this is reached; how long we let an alien will appear to be opposing His. And while we think this will is real, we will not find the end He has appointed as the outcome of all problems we perceive, all trials we see, and every situation we meet. Yet is the ending certain. For God’s Will is done in earth and Heaven.
This hit the nail on the head in terms of my issue. I was believing it was impossible for me to have a calming meditation experience with my son at this early age. I was blocking the “happy ending” by not even giving it a chance. So, yes, all things are indeed possible with God, and in His timing, if we believe and actually make room for the blessing to occur.
What, in your life, are you putting time limits or expectations on that you could surrender to God’s highest and best for you? Let us pray…
We thank You, Father, for Your guarantee of only happy outcomes in the end. Help us not interfere, and so delay the happy endings You have promised us for every problem that we can perceive; for every trial we think we still must meet. ~A Course in Miracles
Keep shining!
Kandace Jones
Oh Kandace what a wonderful story and lesson! I know how full of energy your son is and I’m sure it brought you such great joy to know he can be calm & join you in calmness. Here’s to many more surprises an happy endings.
Thanks so much, Jina!! 🙂