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A Deep Confession…

March 26, 2014 20 Comments

Prayer Close Up2

Today is the two year anniversary of the Living in the Light blog, and the last day of my 33rd year!  I have been drawn into deep reflection and contemplation over the past few weeks.  Out of that still time has come a deep confession:  I have not been completely honest with you.

This blog began in March of 2012 as real-time documentation of my spiritual journey as I was overcoming depression and anxiety.  With each post, I shared specifics about what shifts I was making in my thoughts, words, and actions in order to return to peace.

I had no idea what that process of public journaling would lead me to.  I just followed the Guidance from within – no matter how uncomfortable ego was with all of my “stuff” being out there for the world to see.  I just kept writing.

Then, nine months later, my life took a dramatic turn.  And I never mentioned it on the blog.

In December 2012, I began experiencing the Kingdom of Heaven.  All of the sudden, I could see, hear, and feel the presence of Spirit all around me and within me.  I share some of these experiences in the book, From Stress to Peace: An Intimate Journal on the Journey from Living in Darkness to Living in the Light, which will be released this summer.  But, for the most part, I have been silent about this.

As much as I had read about the spiritual and mystical experiences of others, I was truly taken aback by these occurrences.  I, then, became concerned about what others would think about it.  The fear of judgment led me to avoid posting anything too “out there.”

Fear also escalated as I began to be guided to teachings of Yeshua (Jesus’ name) that were outside of the traditional religious context I grew up with.  These teachings illuminated his messages in the Bible, in his own words, and paved a clear path to awakening to the Christ within.  But, the fact that they were not the Bible stirred up fears of judgment from Christian friends and family.

At first I, too, thought it was blasphemous to think that Yeshua would speak through someone today.  But then I thought more about it.  Just like I can hear messages from the Holy Spirit, angels, and my grandmother (who made her transition four years ago), why is it unreasonable to think that Yeshua can also be heard by us if we tune into his presence?  Wasn’t it him who said he would be with us always?

“When I said, ‘I am with you always,’ I meant it literally.  I am not absent to anyone in any situation.  Because I am always with you, you are the way, the truth, and the life.  You did not make this power, any more than I did.  It was created to be shared, and therefore cannot meaningfully be perceived as belonging to anyone at the expense of another.” ~A Course in Miracles

As I became more open to the idea, more and more was revealed to me.  As one of my teachers, Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith, often says, “When you believe more in what you don’t see than what you do see, then you will see what you don’t see and you won’t see what you do see.”  That is exactly what happened.  Over time, I became 100% certain that it is indeed Yeshua’s voice in all of the teachings I have been guided to, starting with A Course in Miracles (“the Course”).

“It is not until beliefs are fixed that perceptions stabilize.  In effect, then, what you believe you do see.  That is what I meant when I said, ‘Blessed are ye who have not seen and still believe…’” ~A Course in Miracles

There were so many questions I had in my journey through the Bible, and they have all been answered clearly and directly in this book, which references and illuminates the Bible over 400 times.  Another book I have been guided to that has become a wonderful companion to the Course is, “The Holy Spirit’s Interpretation of the New Testament.”  Yeshua’s voice comes through very clearly in this one, in addition to the voice of the disciples.  That book has revealed much, and deepened my connection to the Holy Spirit so profoundly that I will dedicate a future post to doing a more extensive book review and share some sample quotes with you.  I won’t do this with the Course since I have mentioned it so frequently on this blog.  The only difference is I didn’t openly state who the voice of the Course was.  And I never included quotes that were in the first person like the ones I have included above.  There are other teachings Yeshua has sent forth that I have been guided to learn and teach throughout the past couple years, but I will save those for another post.

So, I silently moved forward with following the Guidance as it led me to more and more of his work (which he has expressed through multiple individuals over the years).  The more I read, the more my conviction grew.  I not only became engrossed in the teachings, but I became vigilant about living them each day.  Yes, I tripped up from time to time, but I forgave myself and kept going.  And, on that fateful day in December of 2012, I began to experience my true Self.  I began to experience the Kingdom within that Yeshua so beautifully described.

“Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” ~Luke 17:21 (KJV)

This experience led into my 33rd year (2013 to today), also known as the “Jesus Year” by many given Yeshua was believed to be 33 at the height of his ministry.  The number 33 in numerology also represents Mastery.  I took this year seriously, and dedicated much of my time to studying and applying the teachings to my life.  It was truly a year of surrender, leading up to this very moment.  I have much of that year documented in my journals, and can see it forming my second book (“Living in Surrender: Letting Go of the False So You Can Reveal the Truth” is what just came to me as I was typing).

As I type this, I am in New Mexico (a place I absolutely love). A trip for work brought me here, but I was also able to spend some time in a majestic and peaceful area of Northern New Mexico.  I was able to reflect, relax, and release.

I asked the Spirit to reveal to me what I still needed to release in order to live as my highest Self at all times.  That is when I was shown that I needed to release my fear of what others will think about what I am guided to study and share.  One day, when ego was pushing back hard about sharing more openly, the Spirit said:

“Would you rather be liked in the world or awaken to the Kingdom?”

Well, alrighty then :-).  Got me.

Then, I was reminded that Yeshua wasn’t exactly everyone’s favorite person.  Yet, it didn’t matter.  He proved what is potential in us all.  He proved that, no matter how hard others try, we cannot be attacked, persecuted, or even killed because we are the Eternal and Unalterable Creation of God!  Death is impossible in God.  That’s what the resurrection proved.

“Assault can ultimately be made only on the body. There is little doubt that one body can assault another, and can even destroy it. Yet if destruction itself is impossible, anything that is destructible cannot be real. Its destruction, therefore, does not justify anger. To the extent to which you believe that it does, you are accepting false premises and teaching them to others. The message the crucifixion was intended to teach was that it is not necessary to perceive any form of assault in persecution, because you cannot be persecuted. If you respond with anger, you must be equating yourself with the destructible, and are therefore regarding yourself insanely.” ~A Course in Miracles

So, I am feeling empowered to share what I am guided to without concern about approval from others.  What is there to be afraid of when you know nothing can ‘take you out?’  No more stressing about the number of people “talking about” my page on Facebook, or the number of likes or comments a post gets.  No more trying to “fit in” with other self-help and spiritual teachers.  And no more sugar-coating posts or leaving out certain statements for fear of backlash.

Another thing I was shown that I needed to release was my attachment to personal success in the world.  I had recently increased the prices for my classes pretty significantly and had become heavily focused on marketing and promotions – all with the subtle desire for financial security.  While there is nothing wrong with money (it is neutral, like everything else), I was shown that in order to go where the Spirit is taking me, and to complete what I came to do in this lifetime, I have to surrender that desire and trust fully that all of my needs will be met.

I have been guided to form the Living in the Light Foundation.  I actually received this guidance last year, but did not complete the process (ego is a stubborn little sucker :-)).  Now, the Spirit has made it absolutely clear that this is the next step for me in this work.  So, Living in the Light will continue to offer workshops, retreats, classes, audio programs, and more, but will do so via the non-profit organization as soon as it is established.  A portion of the proceeds from Living in the Light’s services will go toward the establishment of a retreat center – a longer term vision for this work.

The Living in the Light Foundation is committed to helping individuals release all that appears to stand between them and perfect peace.  The following draft manifesto describes the aims of the organization and its work.

Living in the Light Manifesto

  • We believe God is Love
  • We believe everyone is the perfect, and eternal, creation of God
  • We believe in, and love, the Power of God more than anything else (fear, doubt, worry, scarcity, limitation, etc.)
  • We believe everyone is entitled to the Kingdom of Heaven – It is our birthright!
  • We believe everyone has the potential to embody the Christ within and experience the Kingdom of Heaven – NOW!
  • We forgive freely, remembering to see beyond the veil of the world to God’s perfection in everyone we meet
  • We Love everyone, unconditionally
  • We hold others in the Light until they see It in themselves
  • We are vigilant about releasing anything that is unlike God from within ourselves so we can be the Light in each moment
  • We shine our Light brightly, illuminating the path for those who are also ready to ignite the Light within

If you have been blessed by any of the Living in the Light blog posts, Facebook posts, tweets, or classes over the past two years, I would be truly grateful if you would consider donating whatever you can to the establishment of the Living in the Light Foundation.   There is no amount too small – every little bit helps.

Click here, or the logo below, to donate to the establishment of the Living in the Light Foundation.  Thank you in advance for your support and encouragement as this ministry continues to unfold!


“When I said, ‘I am come as a light unto the world,’ I meant that I came to share the light with you.” ~A Course in Miracles

So, what is going to change about the work of Living in the Light?  How will my writing and teaching be different?  How will my social media posts be different?

To be honest, I don’t have all the answers.  I am finally resting in uncertainty, knowing I will be guided in each moment.  Now is the only moment I ever need to be concerned with, as it is truly all there is.  So, “we’ll see,” as my parents used to say (I did not exactly love that answer when I was little :-)).

What I do know is I will continue to share personal, authentic stories of how I have applied the teachings in my life and the miracles that have unfolded.  From the time the Living in the Light blog was planted in my mind by the Spirit, I have been clear that I am guided to be open about the journey – not just to share the teachings.  I am committed to continuing to follow that guidance.

What I also know is that the time for the “Second Coming” is here – right now – and it is happening via individuals awakening the Christ within themselves.  Can you imagine millions of people fully embodying Christ?  Millions of people being able to do all Yeshua did and more?  That is exactly what is happening.  And I am one of many who have answered Yeshua’s call to awaken and show others the Way.  I am grateful, and look forward to supporting all who are guided to me on the journey to awakening the full potential that lies within.

And if, after hearing all of this, you decide this is not for you, I am sending you a big ((((((hug)))))) and much Love.  There are many pathways Home, so I know we will indeed meet again.  I love you and see nothing but the Light of God shining through you.

So, as my 33rd year comes to a close, I am immensely grateful, full of joy, and resting in a Peace that absolutely surpasses all understanding.  I know that we were created to experience, celebrate, and extend the infinite Love of God and I will help as many as possible who are ready to do just that.

While on my trip, I made a little video for you.  It got cut off at the end due to running out of space on my phone, but the majority of the message was captured.  Enjoy!

Has today’s message touched you in some way?  If so, let me know.  I’d love to hear from you!  Until next time…

Click here, or the logo below, to donate to the establishment of the Living in the Light Foundation.  Thank you in advance for your support and encouragement as this ministry continues to unfold!


Much Love and Light!


Kandace Jones
TWITTER: @coachkandace

About the Author:

I used to live life shackled by fear, doubt, and worry. I put on a happy face while navigating my day-to-day duties, but I was emotionally drained, stressed, and unhappy. When I hit rock bottom, and was diagnosed with depression and anxiety, I was determined to live life differently. I knew there had to be another way. Out of that determination, and guidance from Spirit, the "Living in the Light" blog was born. It documents my spiritual journey out of the darkness and into the Light. After nine months of publicly sharing my journey, and consciously releasing my attachment to the ego, I experienced a powerful spiritual awakening. I went from living in fear, doubt, worry, and stress to complete inner peace. My greatest passion has become assisting others on their own journey to inner peace. My spiritual memoir, From Stress to Peace: An Intimate Journal on the Journey from Living in Darkness to Living in the Light, is available now on Amazon and Click the tabs at the top of the page to learn more about the From Stress to Peace 21-Day Challenge, Living in the Light Retreats, 1:1 sessions, and the Living in the Light Community - all of which are designed to support your journey to inner peace. I appreciate you taking the time to visit the blog and look forward to supporting you in any way I can!

Comments (20)

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  1. Kimberlie Bryson says:

    I so appreciate you sharing Kandace! I'm so excited about Living in The Light growing and evolving!

  2. You are truly a beautiful calm spirit!! I’ve known this since the day I met you at FAMU!

    Continue to shine your light because you truly are a living light!

  3. Elizabeth says:


    Thanks for being so open about your journey. I wish you the best as you continue to grow and help others.

    Happy Birthday!

    • Thank you for your support, feedback and encouragement since the very beginning! Your comments have truly kept me going at times when I wondered whether anyone was receiving what I was writing and sharing. I truly appreciate it. Much Love! <3

  4. Talei B Williams says:

    I have been reading and following Living In the Light
    for the past few months, I found a lot of interesting things that you share and helped me in my spiritual growth……. I thank God for the person that you are……. for inspiring and encouraging me daily…… God bless.

  5. Adam Love says:


    Happy happy day you came to help flip the switch of enlightenment for ALL! Your post just now is so inspiring and encouraging. The way you do all this Spirit social media is just gorgeous!

    I am moving through similar gestations with the Christ love pouring forth through this creation I once thought was myself in the form of music…. I trust God so implicitly that…. I know these songs and other forms of creativity with be another light shining love aiding in the dawning of the new age of Remembrance, Love and joyful celebration of the Truth! Only love is real, there is only god and we are that One!

    Keep on rockin and shining and sharing teaching and loving All….. Thank you and blessings!


  6. I so Join You in the Light!!! xoxoxox

  7. wow what a fantastic story!

  8. Judy Junghans says:

    Kandace, thanks for sharing this! Looking forward to more inspiration from you.

  9. Thank you for your insights. Happy to read ACIM with you.

  10. Vanessa says:

    I’ve been guided to your blog through the Thomas Merton quote you posted. I came along the quote today and was curious as to who Thomas Merton was. I just loved the quote because like you I thought it totally captures my experience of Kingdom of Heaven. I fully awakened to the Spirit last November 2013. And ever since I’ve been documenting my journey as well. Day by day, it becomes clearer to me the journey I’m taking. Like you I was also guided to teachings that are not in the Bible. But the way they resonate with me, like deep within I know it’s the Truth. So I trusted my inner knowing and let myself be guided. However, there are times when I’m struggling with the ego. I smiled when I read about your struggle with personal desire for financial security as I’m having the same experience. But I know that the day will come when I’m no longer be bothered by the mind. As I’m already aware of that place inside me that knows that nothing in the world can touch or affect it. Each day I’m surrendering my finite self, all of its fears, doubts and desires to embody more my Christ Self.

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