Archive for May, 2014
The Spiritual Teachings of Maya Angelou

Although I heard the news yesterday, the significance of the transition of Dr. Maya Angelou touched me deeply today. I woke up at 4 a.m., and immediately went into a meditative prayer of gratitude for all she blessed the world with. Tears of gratitude have flowed off and on, and an increased sense of responsibility […]
A Quick Tip for Releasing Fear

While visiting my parents over the weekend, I was overcome with the urge to record a quick video on the topic of fear. Yes, the infamous “F” word that, when listened to, can hold us back from experiencing and being the Light we were created to be. So, I pray you find this quick tip […]
Living in the Light Video and Radio Launch!

I’m so excited to announce that Living in the Light will be spreading its wings, and moving into video and online radio! I have been feeling the call to do this for some time, but always found a way to postpone it. First, I needed to have the perfect video and lighting equipment. And, of […]
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