Living in the Light Video and Radio Launch!
I’m so excited to announce that Living in the Light will be spreading its wings, and moving into video and online radio! I have been feeling the call to do this for some time, but always found a way to postpone it. First, I needed to have the perfect video and lighting equipment. And, of course, I couldn’t start video without having my topics lined up for the next few months. And, wait, don’t forget some new outfits to ensure I am not wearing the same thing on any of the videos. And, then, I must study and get trained by those who are successful in these areas so I can model after them. Oh, and I need my hair trimmed…can’t be going on video with these ends looking like this. You see how ego can cleverly slip in and convince us to postpone our calling and delay our fulfillment of our destiny?
So, today, I am finally sharing this video that I recorded weeks ago. I have none of the things in place that ego was trying to consume my thinking with. This was recorded on my iPhone, and it’s perfectly imperfect. I have no idea what I’ll be talking about next week, and I am okay with it. That’s actually how it has always been with the blog – completely organic and spontaneous. I know that I am being guided every step of the way, and that what needs to be shared will come through and will be right on time for someone.
This is also an important step in my journey. It was comfortable sitting behind the computer and writing blog posts, Facebook and Twitter updates, etc. No matter how deep and raw my posts were, it felt ‘safe’ to share in written form. But, I am hearing loud and clear from Spirit that it is time to use this voice of mine to speak the message I am called to share!
While I have always been a social person, with many friends and acquaintances, I have also held back my true feelings for fear of judgment by others. So, I was always giving people just enough to keep them interested, but not enough to judge me. Those days are over. You will be getting the straight up truth from me – no chaser. I will share fully and authentically about what it took for me to get out of the darkest days of my life, and step out into the Light. I will be sharing practical and actionable tips for maintaining inner peace – no matter what!
I am grateful to you all – whether you are coming across this blog for the first time, or whether you have been with me since the first post. I would love to hear from you! What would you like to hear me share more about in order to support you on the journey from stress to peace? Let me know in the comments below! Much Love and Light to you!
Click the image below to view the brief (2-minute) launch video. Be sure to subscribe to the YouTube channel and BlogTalkRadio pages (Note: all of the radio shows will be archived as podcasts)! I also recently joined Google+ and Instagram, and would love to connect with you there. Talk with you soon!
Kandace Jones
TWITTER: @coachkandace
INSTAGRAM: @iamlivinginthelight
Ha! Not the split ends…lol. I know all about trying to wait until everything is “perfect” before taking a step into what I’ve been called to do. Thanks so much for sharing your truth so openly. I’m glad to see and hear you as well as read your posts. They are always so inspiring and so encouraging.
Thank you so much for your continued support, Melissa! Much Love to you!
Really happy to connect with you Kandace and so good to see you take that step of faith with the launch of your blogtalk radio program and your youtube videos. Adding my voice and physical presence to my blog through youtube is something that’s been so heavy on my heart as well. Just need to take the leap of faith and step out of my comfort zone. All the very best. Have a great day/weekend.
Happy to connect with you as well, Yvonne! Thank you for the encouragement! Your blog is so inspiring. Looking forward to seeing you branch out into video ;-). Keep shining!