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Let it Cascade Out of You

December 31, 2017 0 Comments

Fairy Falls - Mount Shasta - 12.19.17

It’s the last day of 2017, and my Soul won’t allow me to go into 2018 without releasing one of my biggest fears. It’s something I’ve kept mostly to myself since it awakened in me in 2015 (after a spiritual pilgrimage to Israel, Southern France, and Egypt).

I feel the sweat beads forming underneath my arms, and my stomach churning,  as I prepare for this release. For some, it may seem like no big deal. For my Soul’s journey, this is major.

I have spent many lifetimes as an initiate into themysteries and as a spiritual teacher, and was under physical attack for my beliefs. At the time, those in power didn’t want the masses knowing about the spiritual practices that could open them up to the spiritual gifts that lie within them (sound familiar?).

Through revisiting the locations in which multiple forms of attack occurred, and through past-life regression therapy, I have awakened the memories of those times and begun to heal the deep trauma my Soul carries. I shared a bit more about this in the audio included in my last post, and will continue to share more.

In addition to the aforementioned trauma carried in my Soul’s memories, the experiences of my ancestors’ being forced to release their spiritual practices and conform to Christianity are with me. I feel a visceral frustration with the widespread shunning of ancient practices that were meant to heal, unite, and bring forth a palpable experience of the Divine in all things.


While I was on my recent personal retreat in Mount Shasta, I went on a beautiful guided hike to a waterfall known as “Fairy Falls.” While there, I received a clear message from the elementals through my guide, Shanta Gabriel. We were sitting in front of the waterfall, and meditating on its beauty, when the message came through:


Instantly, I knew what the message was referring to. Earlier in the hike, I opened up to Shanta about my struggle over the last couple years with being vulnerable via this platform I created in 2012, Living in the Light. What once felt so natural and free-flowing, was now reserved and tightly clinched.

Further, I shared that powerful spiritual healing gifts had awakened in me that triggered deep fear. I was so afraid of backlash, negative comments, being seen as an outcast, and more, that I only shared it with a handful of people outside of my spiritual family (where many are, also, awakening to the gifts their Soul came to bring).

In addition to the ancient fear arising from past-life and ancestral experiences of spiritual exile, I had a fear of judgment from my circle of family and friends who have more traditional religious views.

I can no longer temper my views in order to be more acceptable. None of the great spiritual teachers did. They were bold non-conformists, leading the way to live as the Light while navigating the world. They were living examples of bridging Heaven and Earth. I step forward in their footsteps.


In June 2015, a few weeks after awakening my Soul’s memory of its experiences in Israel and Egypt, I began speaking Light Language. I was, immediately, shown it was a tool for amplifying the Soul’s gifts. I was guided to begin holding sessions with individuals to support them in amplifying their Soul’s potential. Given this guidance, “Soul Amplification” sessions felt like a fitting name. But, instead of following this inner nudge, I lumped it in with my more ‘socially acceptable’ offering of distance energy healing sessions and never spoke directly about it.

I was just guided to go back through my Facebook posts to find the one in which I offered free sessions to share what was starting to come through. Nowhere did I mention Light Language because I was too afraid to say what it was. Instead, I said “something new” was coming through me that I wanted to share. It was around the time of the Charleston 9 massacre, so I offered 9 free healing sessions at that time. And, then I went back into hiding.

Light Language is the language of the Soul. It comes in many forms, and sounds different depending on what is being activated/released. I have multiple forms flowing through me at various times. What is constant is the high vibration of the energy that radiates through me as it is being transmitted. It flows straight from the heart and expands through the body and the many layers of the auric field surrounding the body. Instead of a sound-to-word translation, I receive intuitive impressions and/or visions about the nature of the work being done.

I will be recording Light Language transmissions to support various aspects of healing (Self-love, releasing stuck emotions, courage, connecting with Divine purpose, past-life memories, releasing attachments, and more). I will share them as they are ready. I will, also, be updating the website to better reflect my current offerings.

In the interim, if you’re interested in a Light Language session, feel free to schedule one using the link on the Energy Healing page. There are options for 30-minute and 60-minute 1:1 Light Language sessions on the scheduling page.

Now that I got all that out of the way (I really thought this was going to be a short post!), I can reveal what I was feeling fear about sharing. The words are easy for me to share, but putting myself out there on video while speaking Light Language was something I never thought I would do. Well, that stops today.

The following video was recorded on Mount Shasta. In it, I share some about my struggle with going public with this, and then I let it go and allow my Soul to speak. It was freeing when I recorded it, and I’m already tingling all over at the idea of hitting ‘post’ on this.

Note: If the video player below is not supported on your device, click here to watch it on YouTube.

I’d love to hear from you below. What fears are you leaving in 2017? In what area of your life would you like to be more courageous in 2018? What have you been holding back on expressing boldly? May Love and Light cascade out of you in 2018! Wishing you more courage than you’ve ever experienced in the year ahead, and beyond! 
Filed in: Releasing Fear

About the Author:

I used to live life shackled by fear, doubt, and worry. I put on a happy face while navigating my day-to-day duties, but I was emotionally drained, stressed, and unhappy. When I hit rock bottom, and was diagnosed with depression and anxiety, I was determined to live life differently. I knew there had to be another way. Out of that determination, and guidance from Spirit, the "Living in the Light" blog was born. It documents my spiritual journey out of the darkness and into the Light. After nine months of publicly sharing my journey, and consciously releasing my attachment to the ego, I experienced a powerful spiritual awakening. I went from living in fear, doubt, worry, and stress to complete inner peace. My greatest passion has become assisting others on their own journey to inner peace. My spiritual memoir, From Stress to Peace: An Intimate Journal on the Journey from Living in Darkness to Living in the Light, is available now on Amazon and Click the tabs at the top of the page to learn more about the From Stress to Peace 21-Day Challenge, Living in the Light Retreats, 1:1 sessions, and the Living in the Light Community - all of which are designed to support your journey to inner peace. I appreciate you taking the time to visit the blog and look forward to supporting you in any way I can!

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