Jesus – The Wayshower
If I only read one bible verse in life, the most life changing for me has been “The kingdom of God is within you”…that is SO powerful! I have heard it over and over throughout my years, but it is resonating with me on a whole different level as I go through this transformation and healing process. I feel like I have been awakened from an intense dream. As I reflect on this “Good Friday”, I am reading a book by Eric Butterworth entitled “Discover the Power Within You” (the foreword is by Maya Angelou who is a student of his work) and, in it, he states:
“[Easter] is not just a day when we recall how Jesus rose from the dead. It is a time to take a new look at ourselves and contemplate the Divinity within us, the depths of our own innate God-potential. It is a time to reappraise the principle that makes all overcoming possible…We downgrade Jesus and the Great Demonstration when we think of Easter “happening” as a miracle of God instead of the revelation of the depth-potential of man” ~Eric Butterworth
Jesus was a wayshower when it comes to self-mastery and total oneness with God. Another recent favorite verse of mine is John 14:2 which states that “He that believeth in me, the works that I do he shall do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto the Father”. In other words:
“If you have faith in the God-potential locked within the Adam man, which is yourself, as I have faith in the power within Me, then you can do all I have done and more…because I have made this great discovery” ~Eric Butterworth
I am excited this Easter, not because I have a cute outfit to wear to church (which I spent way too much time shopping for in the past) or because I got an Easter basket with bunnies for my boys to open…but because I finally “get it”. I have that same power…the power to heal…the power to love unconditionally…the power to activate the Christ-potential that is already within me. For that, I am grateful. For that, I will celebrate this day and EVERY day. I don’t believe Jesus would have wanted to be worshipped as the great “exception”, but rather as the ultimate wayshower. To “follow” him means to know (unwaveringly) that you are one with God…there is no place where He ends and you begin…and there is nothing you cannot do. This is truly the greatest discovery of all time.
Have a great weekend! Keep shining!