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3 Tips for Finding Peace

October 4, 2013 3 Comments


I am frequently asked the question, “How do I find peace?”  I typically respond by asking a series of questions like “Walk me through a typical day for you?”  and “What does ‘finding peace’ mean to you?”  It never ceases to amaze me how far apart what many actually do on a day-to-day basis can be from their desire to experience inner peace.

So, today, I thought I’d share a few tips for finding peace.  These are the three things I remind myself of when I notice I’m feeling out of balance.  I pray you find them as useful as I have.

3 Tips for Finding Peace

1.       S.Y.B.D.!

Also known as: Sit Your Butt Down.  That’s a technical term :-).  It sounds glaringly obvious to start a list of “tips for finding peace” with this, but how often do you just sit?  No phone.  No TV.  No computer.  No books.  No food.  No talking.  No eating.  No nothing.  For most people the answer is very rarely.  If we are committed to finding peace, it is essential that we allow time each day to just sit.  We must be as vigilant about this as we are about watching our favorite TV shows and staying up on the latest Facebook and Twitter statuses.

2.       Focus on Your Breath

The breath is our connection to Spirit; our connection to God.  In order to remain centered in our true Identity, as one who was created in the image and likeness of God, it is fundamental that we become attuned to our Greater nature – the Christ potential within us – through conscious breathing.  As we do this consistently, inspiration flows to us more freely from the Holy Spirit and we feel less and less like we need to strive to do things in the world (hence the perceived “lack” of peace) verses allowing what is the Spirit is trying to conceive within us to be birthed.

“Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature.” ~Genesis 2:7

Try this simple breathing exercise for 5 minutes a day for the next week, and see if you notice a difference in your experience of peace:

As you inhale, allow your stomach to fill up like a balloon.  As you exhale, release it slowly.  Do this for about a minute or so, until you begin to feel more relaxed, and then begin to introduce the following mantra:  “The breath of God…is my breath.”  On the inhale say to yourself, “The breath of God” and on the exhale say, “…is my breath.”  Continue this practice for 5 minutes.  If you find your mind drifting, focus on the inhale and exhale of the breath and begin the mantra again.    

3.       Surrender

When we are moving fast, going from activity to activity without pause, we have no room to receive Guidance from the Spirit.  When we finally “sit our butts down” and focus on our breath, the next step is to surrender to the Guidance that comes from the part of us that is, and has always been, connected to God.  Instead of sitting in silence to achieve something, we sit to allow the flow of Infinite ideas, Wisdom, Love, etc.  We can then be more confident about the work we do in the world because we are aligned with the will of God.

By slowing down, and surrendering to Divine guidance, we recharge ourselves in order to be able to give and do more when we return to the pace of life that we have created for ourselves.  The centered, aligned, and confident feeling we get from the still moments will remain with us.  Before you know it, no matter how rapid the pace of you daily routine is, you will be at peace within.

Allowing ourselves to be steered by Guidance from the Spirit also frees us from the stresses of feeling like we have to do everything on our own; a powerful stress reliever in its own right.  Who is tired of feeling like you have to figure out your next moves on your own?  I know I am!

Let me know how this works for you.  For those who try the breathing practice, I would love to hear from you after you try it for a week!  I find it tremendously helpful, and have made it a part of my daily practice to stay centered in the breath.  I look forward to hearing from you!

Are you ready to release stress and kick negative thoughts to the curb?  Then you don’t want to miss the From Stress to Peace 21-Day Challenge!  Click here for details about this life-changing course!

Already took the 21-Day Challenge, but find yourself unmotivated in your daily spiritual practice or falling back into some old habits?  Click here to learn more about the Living in the Light Community!

Keep shining!


Kandace Jones
TWITTER: @coachkandace

Filed in: Inner Peace

About the Author:

I used to live life shackled by fear, doubt, and worry. I put on a happy face while navigating my day-to-day duties, but I was emotionally drained, stressed, and unhappy. When I hit rock bottom, and was diagnosed with depression and anxiety, I was determined to live life differently. I knew there had to be another way. Out of that determination, and guidance from Spirit, the "Living in the Light" blog was born. It documents my spiritual journey out of the darkness and into the Light. After nine months of publicly sharing my journey, and consciously releasing my attachment to the ego, I experienced a powerful spiritual awakening. I went from living in fear, doubt, worry, and stress to complete inner peace. My greatest passion has become assisting others on their own journey to inner peace. My spiritual memoir, From Stress to Peace: An Intimate Journal on the Journey from Living in Darkness to Living in the Light, is available now on Amazon and Click the tabs at the top of the page to learn more about the From Stress to Peace 21-Day Challenge, Living in the Light Retreats, 1:1 sessions, and the Living in the Light Community - all of which are designed to support your journey to inner peace. I appreciate you taking the time to visit the blog and look forward to supporting you in any way I can!

Comments (3)

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  1. Stephanie Orphanides says:

    Love you, Kandace! So proud of you and so thankful to know you.

  2. Robin Morriss Lindop says:

    Blessings aplenty. Kandice

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