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Stepping into Your Life Purpose

June 5, 2014 0 Comments
New Video:  Stepping into Your Purpose

New Video: Stepping into Your Purpose

Last week, I kept hearing the Voice from within nudging me to talk about life purpose.  At first I thought it was “off message,” as I haven’t been coaching people explicitly on life purpose.  My 1:1 coaching sessions, courses, and retreats are focused on releasing stress and finding peace within.  Naturally, once we have peace within, we are able to hear our inner Voice more clearly and discern the right next steps for our journey, but I wasn’t intentionally making that link.  After I finished my inner questioning, I heard the Voice clearly again, “Yes, you do teach about life purpose.  Remember, ‘to teach is to demonstrate.'”  It was a reminder of the definition of a teacher from A Course in Miracles, which is focused on teaching by demonstration.  I was reminded that I am indeed teaching about life purpose, by stepping more boldly into mine!

“To teach is to demonstrate.” ~A Course in Miracles

I received another reminder of that via a vivid dream last night, letting me know – with even greater certainty –  that my purpose is indeed to share my journey publicly to demonstrate what’s possible when one accepts the Light that they are (I believe that is ALL of our purpose – to be the Light we were created to be, but there are many ways that can be expressed).  There’s something freeing about knowing you only have to be who you are in order to teach.  Seeing someone walk in their authentic Truth is healing for others.

What is one way in which you feel guided to more authentically express who you are?  What do you find yourself dreaming of doing that you haven’t taken action on?  There is a multitude waiting for you to stand in your Light and shine the way for them.  Whether you feel called to be a life coach, dancer, artist, entrepreneur, non-profit leader, or anything else, you are meant to do it boldly!  You are meant to shine!  Step into what you feel guided to do, and all of Heaven will conspire to bring you all that you need to make it happen!

Affirmation:  All that I need to do all that God would have me do is given – on time or early!

I will continue to teach by sharing openly about my experiences on the spiritual journey.  My prayer is that I can make the path more smooth for all who are ready to awaken the Light within them and experience the Peace that surpasses all understanding.  It is my joy to share!

One of the stumbling blocks I came across on the path to walking in my purpose and “Living in the Light” was comparing myself to others.  That’s what I’d like to share more about in today’s video.  Click the photo above to view the brief video (under 4 minutes).

I’d love to hear from you!  Have you ever compared yourself to others who were/are doing what you feel called to do?  

Until next time…


Keep shining!


Kandace Jones
TWITTER: @coachkandace
INSTAGRAM: @iamlivinginthelight


About the Author:

I used to live life shackled by fear, doubt, and worry. I put on a happy face while navigating my day-to-day duties, but I was emotionally drained, stressed, and unhappy. When I hit rock bottom, and was diagnosed with depression and anxiety, I was determined to live life differently. I knew there had to be another way. Out of that determination, and guidance from Spirit, the "Living in the Light" blog was born. It documents my spiritual journey out of the darkness and into the Light. After nine months of publicly sharing my journey, and consciously releasing my attachment to the ego, I experienced a powerful spiritual awakening. I went from living in fear, doubt, worry, and stress to complete inner peace. My greatest passion has become assisting others on their own journey to inner peace. My spiritual memoir, From Stress to Peace: An Intimate Journal on the Journey from Living in Darkness to Living in the Light, is available now on Amazon and Click the tabs at the top of the page to learn more about the From Stress to Peace 21-Day Challenge, Living in the Light Retreats, 1:1 sessions, and the Living in the Light Community - all of which are designed to support your journey to inner peace. I appreciate you taking the time to visit the blog and look forward to supporting you in any way I can!

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